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Alcohol Rehab Orange County

Recovering from an alcohol abuse problem can be very difficult. One of the main reasons for this is that alcohol is so normalized in our culture, so many people who are struggling with problematic drinking feel that they do not have a problem. And this can be reinforced through friends and family who do not see the whole story. The only way to achieve recovery is for the alcoholic to acknowledge there is a problem. And ideally that would be followed by a stay in treatment where the individual can get away from the normal stressors of life to focus completely on addressing everything from the physical dependence to the psychological dependence. Alcohol rehab in Orange County offers an excellent option to get help.

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Alcohol Rehab Orange County

So what does alcohol rehab entail, exactly? The standardized treatment starts with detox. Alcohol detox is one of the most dangerous of all chemical detoxes because withdrawals can be fatal (this is also true of benzodiazepines and barbiturates). Detox typically lasts from 7-10 days depending on the user’s level of tolerance. During this phase of treatment, individuals may take strictly monitored withdrawal medications that ease the process and ensure they remain safe. During the first 24 hours, most detoxes will also take vital signs up to every hour to ensure that the individual’s body is handling the transition in a healthful manner and there is no serious risk.

Phases of Alcohol Rehab Orange County

After detox, residential care typically lasts from 30-90 days depending on the case. During this phase, individuals will focus on the behavioral aspect of addiction treatment. Addiction changes the body in physiological ways. Physical dependence changes how the brain works, so certain types of counseling and exposure therapy work together to help return the individual to normal brain function. Therapy includes individual settings, group settings, and family therapy since addiction is a family disease. Repetition, repetition, repetition–this is the best way to built a successful foundation for lifelong sobriety.

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Once residential care is complete, individuals do well to transition to an outpatient program. Ideally, they would be situated in a sober living house as well for the added accountability during this vulnerable time. Although alcohol rehab Orange County provides the tools needed for recovery, ultimately it is up to the individual to use those tools. Since relapse is always a risk after inpatient concludes, outpatient helps individuals with things like setting healthy boundaries, avoiding high risk situations, providing random drug testing, and setting chores and curfews for individual responsibility.

One of the other benefits of alcohol rehab is access to building a sober fellowship network for long term recovery planning. Having the support of like-minded people helps to build a sober lifestyle that encourages making the right decisions for the future. This also keeps individuals plugged into a recovery lifestyle (such as going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings) and helps keep everyone in the group accountable.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance abuse problem, our counselors are available 24/7 by phone: 855-997-4702